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Make a Small Business Website
Looking to make a free website? Use our easy website builder to create a small business website. iBizLog is great for small business or your store.

By creating your own unique website, you solidify your business as legitimate and professional - a business consumers can trust.

With our free website builder wizard and hosting, we've helped entrepreneurs like you create professional-looking websites and grow their businesses.

Make your Business Website Free Free Website - website builder and web hosting are free
Free Business Template for your Website Free Template - create your website in just 5 minutes
Create a WebStore for your Business WebStore - create your webstore with shopping cart
Integrated payments for your webstore Payments - integrated payments to shopping cart (PayPal, Google CheckOut and DineroMail)
Free publish on Google, Yahoo!, Facebook and others Web Promotion - free tool to promote your website, one click publish on Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bing and more
Send a mail to your clients use a free Email Marketing tool Email Marketing - free tool to send a mail for your customers and increase your sales
Free comunication tools for your Business Website Communication Tools - integrated forms to receive questions from clients 24 hours a day
Increase your Internet Business presence SEO & URL Friendly - automatic sitemap generation to increase your Business presence

Make your Free Website, more features for your Business Website
Website Features: Template, Hosting, Own Sub-Domain, Messaging System, Social Media promotion Tools, Multilingual Menu, Automatic BackUp and much more.
Now! FREE Upgrade: Shopping Cart, Orders Management, No Ads, Own Banner, more Items and more.